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Thursday, August 17th 2006, 5:03pm

[kopete]How to order contacts alphabetically

If possible at all.
The question is pretty sipmle. I searched the wiki, the forums and the web.



Thursday, August 17th 2006, 7:25pm

Well, they are already ordered alphabetically. They are split into two groups "online" and "offline" in each group you defined in your contactlist ("FRIENDS", "WORK", and so on). And the online contacts are then ordered alphabetically, as well as the offline contacts.
What you could do is unchecking the box "sort metacontacts by group" in the Appearance/ContactList settings. Then your contacts should be grouped by online/offline status and then again be ordered alphabetically.
And you could configure Kopete to show only online contacts, then all visible contacts would be ordered alphabetically.

I don't know if Kopete can be configured to display all contacts in alphabetical order, ignoring their online/ofline status. But I guess it cannot.

I hope this helps you at least a bit.


Thursday, August 17th 2006, 9:55pm

Well the problem is that it is actually not like that. I have only one group (I don't bother with groups since I use only icq), I always hide offline contacts as well as empty groups. And my online contacts are certainly not ordered, I have to use the "search" option to find anybody, which is not very handy.

The "Arrange metacontacts by group" option does not do anything, and this is pretty logical as I have only one group.

I use detailed view, but this should not matter.

Edit: A little experiment: view type does not change anything. If I rename a contact, it changes its position, but I can not get the pattern. It is not alphabetical, however.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "mandor" (Aug 17th 2006, 9:58pm)


Thursday, August 17th 2006, 11:37pm

Strange, for me, it works perfectly. Which version of Kopete are you using?


Friday, August 18th 2006, 9:35am

It's the one that comes with kde 3.5.4-1. My distro is Arch. I can not check the exact version right now since I am not home (I can do that tonight).

Just to mention - the constacts seem to order in few clusters that are oredered alphabetically within. Again, I have only one group and "Arrange by group" does not affect this behaviour. All contacts are named in latin characters, also.



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Monday, October 30th 2006, 11:28am

I also have the problem

I'm also getting the problem where my contacts are not sorted by alphabetical order... it seems to sort mostly in alphabetical order, but not really...

For example, in one of the list it has

I'm using Kopete 0.12.3 (KDE 3.5.5) which came with (K)Ubuntu.


Monday, October 30th 2006, 4:40pm

It's sorted by away states within online. So all the truly online people are alphabetised at the top, then the away people are alphabetised underneath.

I don't like it that way either, I'd like to sort it by true alphabetical order.