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Thursday, June 29th 2006, 5:12pm

configure refuses to find Qt libraries

I've been trying to install kde from source for a few days now and have had no luck with ./configure either through the automated build or through installing individual packages. The problem comes down to the fact that I don't have root access, and need to install based off of local QT headers. I've installed them in $HOME/local (ie, for qt I did ./configure --prefix=$HOME/local) yet no matter what options I pass to the kde configure scripts, I cannot get it to find the headers when it compiles it's program to test for qt. Now, I have looked through config.log and all the files it says do not exist are in the directories I specify (ie, I do ./configure --with-extra-includes=$HOME/local/include --with-extra-libs=$HOME/local/lib). Every time it says it cannot find one or more of the headers (depending on how many directories / subdirectories I specify as extra includes). With CFLAGS and CPPFLAGS set to include all include/qt folders I was able to get it to detect everything but one file in include/private.

I've installed several other packages based off of my other local files without any problems.

I have no idea what to do now, thoughts? I can post more info if needed.

Oh, and I have both tried the latest Qt w/ version 3 support as well as the version 3 that came with the automatic build. It built fine, but then couldn't find the qt headers!


Thursday, June 29th 2006, 5:28pm

Arg, just tried to get yzis and it also has the same problem. As a side note, configure detects other includes from that directory (ie I don't have a libjpeg.h anywhere but there, and it finds it). Why can't it find qt?