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  • "danjo" started this thread

Posts: 1

Location: Sweden

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Tuesday, April 18th 2006, 8:10pm

Changing orientation buggy

After my last emerge (Gentoo) of KDE the Orientations other than Normal wasn't grayed out anymore, yes!

There is only one thing that's irritating:

When I rotate from Normal to Left or Right, then X understands this and changes everything. KDE, on the other hand, doesn't understand that the resolutation has changed from 1280x1024 to 1024x1280. This means that it still uses only 1024 pixels in the Y direction, but 1280 in the X direction. When I maximize windows, they also use the old resolution, meaning that they extend outside the screen horizontally, but leave area vertically.

What I can do to make KDE understand that there is a new resolution is to restart X.

Changing from Left back to Normal works, though...that's a bit odd I think.

Is it just my machine working like this? Have I missed something?

Or is there a nice work-around to get KDE to understand? I don't want to kill all my applications just because I want to rotate the screen...

Thanks for any help,
