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Monday, January 2nd 2006, 3:54am

[KOPETE] Setting the auto-away message

Running 0.10.3, I can set the auto-away to trigger after 10 minutes of inactivity (in Away Settings), but where do I set the status message that people will see when Kopete goes into auto-away mode? (People are telling me that they are seeing me as still online.)


Monday, January 2nd 2006, 9:52am

RE: [KOPETE] Setting the auto-away message

It seems to use the latest global away message. So, if you set your global away status to "Away", and Online afterwards, and then you are going auto-away, it takes the message "Away".

So, I don't think you can setup the auto away message in the current version.


Monday, January 2nd 2006, 3:52pm


That doesn't seem like very sensible design.

I will frequently set my "Away" message to something like "gone for lunch" or "on a phone call" or "in a meeting". Then I'll come back to work and may easily not touch my computer for half an hour whle sitting at my desk working at something at else, so apparently Kopete will tell people that I'm still at lunch or whatever once auto-away kicks in -- which means I daren't use Kopete at work, because I don't want peopel to think I'm still eating lunch in the middle of the afternoon. The "Auto-away" message really should be settable, or, of not, it should at least say something like "I haven't touched my computer for some time", or even just "auto-away".


Monday, January 2nd 2006, 4:17pm

I know the problem: somebody noticed I am away for dinner on strange times...

If you compiled Kopete from sources, I have a patch which adds the possibility to setup the auto away message in the configuration file.

If you consider this a bug, you can enter a wishlist on (and post the bug number here).


Tuesday, January 3rd 2006, 5:29pm

It seems there already is a bugreport (with patch) for: