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Sunday, December 25th 2005, 2:17pm

Its a Sad day, its a Mad Day with KMail

I installed KUbuntu breezy about a month ago. I had been using evolution as a mail client, but on KUbuntu it started to get more and more unstable to the point of being unusable.

I then switched to Kontact and I was pleasantly surprised at the functionality. It did more and it looked better. I pointed it to my IMAP in "cached" mode server and went to work.

Two things:

1. It wiped out over 40,000 e-mails from my inbox folders! How could this happen! Any hope for recovery?

2. Intermittently, it comes back to tell me that kontact cannot work because:

~/.kde/share/config/kontactrc is not writable.

A look at the file permision tells me it should be writable, however when I edit via vi it tells me this is a read-only file. I am convinced this is one of KUbuntu's many many instabilities, however it only happens with kontact (as far as I know).

-rw------- 1 bpasdar bpasdar 2861 2005-12-24 12:12 kontactrc

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,



Sunday, February 19th 2006, 6:09pm

RE: Its a Sad day, its a Mad Day with KMail

Had a similar problem.

Turned out that the issue was a conflict between maildir and mbox formats. solved it by using Sylpheed as email client for archives. Don't know enough about evolution vs kmail to *know* if this will help, but it's where my system got stuck.



Monday, February 20th 2006, 1:37pm

you might copy the config file to a backup, remove the old one, and copy it back?!? and you might try the upcoming kubuntu 6.04... it's getting stable, imho.
-=| life sucks deeply |=-