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  • "misto" started this thread

Posts: 1

Location: Uerikon, Switzerland

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Wednesday, December 7th 2005, 6:46am

programming with libkonsolepart


I'm developing a small application which embeds a konsolepart. I can create the konsole and add it to my application, but when I try to call "startProgram(.." I get this warning: "Unable to open a pseudo teletype" and the konsole just disappears. Executing commands with "sendInput("echo \"bla\" \n");" works just fine.

My second question is, how can I monitor the status of the console? For example, I need to know when a command has finished.. which leads to my third question: Is there a kde-way to get information about my program's child processes? With that, I'd have a solution for my second question..

Thanks for your help and your time! :)