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Wednesday, November 16th 2005, 9:02pm

digikam problem (solved)


I'm using digikam 0.7.4 and kde 3.4.2 with debian unstable. I've been trying without luck to get digikam to recognize my pentax optio s4 camera. In the "add camera" box I choose usb as the camera port type and the camera mount point for the usb mass storage option is /mnt/pentax. But when I save the settings digikam can't connect to the camera, and when I recheck the settings, the camera port type has been changed to "serial" and the port path is changed to serial:/dev/ttyS0. Does anyone know what's going on? Why does digikam change the usb mass storage settings I have entered?

Update: I managed to solve the problem. Here's what I did:First, in digikam's "add camera" window, choose "USB Mass Storage from the list of cameras. This automatically sets the camera title to "Directory Browse." Then enter your Camera Mount Path. (Mine is /mnt/pentax.)

Next, I had to edit /etc/fstab to change the permissions for my camera. The entry for my camera looks like this:

/dev/sdb1 /mnt/pentax vfat rw,exec,user,auto 0 0

After rebooting I turned on my camera, mounted it, and opened digikam. I chose "camera" on digikam's menu, and then "directory browse," at which point digikam connected to my camera and opened a window displaying all the photos stored in the camera.

Hope this helps someone else.


This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "naiveone" (Nov 17th 2005, 6:06pm)