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Saturday, August 20th 2005, 8:05pm

video previews in konqueror

Hi all,

I got recently a problem with konqueror in filebrowser mode.
I used to get a preview of my videos when I browsed a folder with video files inside, instead of a tape icon, there was a picture from the video.
I don't know what have I done, and even if I did anything, but this feature doesn't work anymore, and I don't have the view/preview/video option anymore.

I tried to create a new user account to make some tests but that doesn't worked to.

I'm running debian testing (etch), use kde 3.3.2.

Thanks for helping me :P

ps: I'm french and do my best to write english ;).


Saturday, August 20th 2005, 9:33pm

RE: video previews in konqueror

I'm sorry I finaly found the solution by myself : reinstall the libarts1-audiofile and libarts1-xine packages :)