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Tuesday, June 7th 2005, 1:15pm

Move Window to the Top

Dear KDErs,

I came across the following issue:
I'm often using a dictionary and I have an icon on the taskbar that launches it.
Because I use this application very often, I usually end up with few instances of this application running. What I want to do is to write a simple script, that will 1.) look if the application is already running, if yes, then activate its window (unhide it); 2.) if it is not running, then launch it. The problem is, I don't know how to bring a window to the foreground programatically. I've been searching a lot, but with no outcome. I've come through a lot of texts on Window Manager message hints and then on the DCOP protocol, but I haven't find anything working.

Any hints? I'll appreciate every answer.

-- Peter