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  • "macabrio" started this thread

Posts: 2

Location: Belgie

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Sunday, May 22nd 2005, 5:12pm

How to link a file in KDE?


I'm a beginner in Linux and C++ before a programmed in visualbasic so I have experience in programming.
I'm looking for information how to link a file called “lbk8000.a” in automake manager from KDE?
What must I write and where?
Can somebody help me?
Thank You!



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Thursday, May 26th 2005, 2:04am

RE: How to link a file in KDE?

you should read carefully info-s from automake and autoconf. Run konqueror and type in address bar "info:autoconf", do the same for automake.



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Thursday, May 26th 2005, 10:17am

I think the automake manager of KDevelop lets you do that more easily than hand editing the files :)

Unfortunately I don't have KDevelop installed, so I cannot check how it is done.
Maybe asking on the KDevelop forum is the quicker path to KDevelop specific answers.

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