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Thursday, May 19th 2005, 5:17pm

Missing something simple in Kspread?

Used Kspread invoice template>saved it, also tried save as>tried to preview print.........

nothing shows up>tried to print>error mssg-----nothing to print.

The file has been saved and the printer is working.

Did I miss something?




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Location: Austria, near Linz

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Thursday, May 19th 2005, 9:10pm

RE: Missing something simple in Kspread?


There's nothing you're doing wrong, this is really a bug. It has already been fixed in the current BETA release of KOffice 1.4.

To workaround this bug, simply do

Format -> Print Range -> Reset Print Range

Then see if the preview looks fine (it should). If not, you should select the area you want to print and do Format -> Print Range -> Define Print Range.

Good luck!
Raphael Langerhorst,