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Friday, April 22nd 2005, 10:16pm

Display orientation controls greyed out

What could be the reason that the options in Control Center -> Peripherals -> Display -> Orientation are greyed out (i.e. unavailable) on my KDE installation?

I have a flat panel monitor that can rotate 90 degrees (i.e. switch between landscape and portrait orientation). I am looking for a way to make this work under Linux. I am running KDE 3.4 under the Ubuntu/hoary.

Any help would be very appreciated!



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Location: Graz, Austria

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Saturday, April 23rd 2005, 3:47pm

It could be that the RANDR extension is not loaded
# xdpyinfo | grep RANDR

You could also exmine the X server's log, if it contains something related to RANDR

Qt/KDE Developer
Debian User


Saturday, April 23rd 2005, 10:53pm

Seems to be loaded. xdpyinfo lists it, and the X server's log has the following:

(==) RandR enabled
(II) Initializing built-in extension RANDR

Any other ideas, anyone?


Friday, January 6th 2006, 4:00pm

Same thing

I have the same annoying behaviour, randr is there, up and running, last Intel 82915G driver and it's greyed out and xrandr gives error messages...


Friday, January 6th 2006, 4:08pm

The error message

>xrandr --verbose -o left
SZ: Pixels Physical Refresh
*0 1024 x 768 ( 342mm x 271mm ) *76
1 800 x 600 ( 342mm x 271mm ) 73
2 640 x 480 ( 342mm x 271mm ) 73
Current rotation - normal
Current reflection - none
Rotations possible - normal
Reflections possible - none
Setting size to 0, rotation to left
Setting reflection on neither axis
X Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
Major opcode of failed request: 156 (RANDR)
Minor opcode of failed request: 2 (RRSetScreenConfig)
Serial number of failed request: 12
Current serial number in output stream: 12