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Tuesday, March 29th 2005, 2:30pm

Configuring KDE menus - Remastering

I am remastring Knoppix to support Arabic. KDE has most of the menu items translated into Arabic, but there still around 30% not translated. During remastring Knoppix, I am not able to access kde in the remasterd distro. How can I modify the content of kde menus without getting into X. I mean how can I run kcontrol from the command without the need for X. If not possible where are the files I need to work on? I changed the *.desktop folders in /usr/applnk but did not make change in the menu.



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Location: Graz, Austria

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Wednesday, March 30th 2005, 2:29pm

If this is a recent KDE (>=3.2) the application .desktop files should be in /usr/applications (new standard location)

Qt/KDE Developer
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