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Wednesday, July 21st 2004, 2:26pm

[b]Display Properties[/b]

I have installed Slackware 10 today, incorporating KDE3.2.?
However the screen resolution is set at 680x400 and I can not change it.
I have gone through the control centre and can access the display area but there are no other options available to me except for the 680x400.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

This is my first attempt at installing Slackware.

Thank you :?
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Wednesday, July 21st 2004, 3:55pm

Did you configure your monitor properly?? If you correctly identify your monitor u can change the modes section of XF86Config file. follow the instructions here and select a monitor with atleast 1024x768 resolution. then restart xserver or reboot.


Wednesday, July 21st 2004, 4:02pm

Thank you for responding so quickly I will follow the link and see how I go.

Again Thanks
Do to others what you would like them to do to you!


Friday, July 23rd 2004, 1:58pm

Thank you for your help.

All is fine now.

Now I am having a go at Mandrake. :D
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Saturday, July 24th 2004, 4:32am

And the distros roll....

Mandrake is a great distribution.