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Friday, March 18th 2005, 1:50pm

KDE 3.4.0 -- Konqueror SMB login as Anonymous ?


I've recently upgraded to KDE 3.4 on Gentoo, and I notice that when I open Konqueror and type in an URN such as:


It asks for a username and password, but regardless of what I type, it tries to login as Anonymous, fails, and displays the username/password message box again.

I could see the SMB packets and the Anonymous login request using Ethereal. I've tried with both windows and gentoo server, same result.

Now on my other machine with KDE 3.3.2, everything logs fine on SMB servers.

My question: With KDE 3.4,
- Is there something to adjust on the client-side for non-anonymous SMB access ?
- Or could this be a bug ?

Thanks a lot.


Friday, March 18th 2005, 2:55pm

RE: KDE 3.4.0 -- Konqueror SMB login as Anonymous ?

I have exported smbclient and KDE3.4 Ethereal logs, and have compared them side-by-side.

The essential difference seems that:
- smbclient connects to microsoft-ds (port 445)
- KDE 3.4 connects to netbios-ssn (port 139)

Could this be the cause of refused authentications ?


Friday, March 18th 2005, 3:42pm

Ok, a way to make it work, is to type the machine name in UPPERCASE in kde 3.4.

But in 3.3 it worked ok with a lowercase machine name.