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Wednesday, March 16th 2005, 11:21pm

Linspire 5 icons

I just noticed Everaldo's new icons in Linspire 5 today and I think they look great. I am probably asking for old news, but I have heard these icons will be released under GPL, does anyone know when this will happen and if they will become the new KDE default?

And what do you think of the icons?


Monday, April 11th 2005, 2:21am

RE: Linspire 5 icons

You might find the icons at Linspire's source code ftp site:

You can download the iso of all the sources for Linspire 5.0, or browse individual packages for Linspire 4.5.

In Linspire 4.5, the icons can be found in:
In lindows-crystal/usr/share/icons/Lindows-Crystal/copying, it says the whole package is under LGPL, so I think the icons are free.

I totally agree - KDE should incorporate the best Linspire icons. Particularly, the green "Click 'N Run" button would make a good icon for the "Run Command..." option in Kmenu - the icon of a person running is more intuitive than the current gear icon.