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Wednesday, March 16th 2005, 3:58pm

Change keyboard-layout for a user (kxkb)

Hi all,
I'm using (k)xkb to change the layout of my keyboard. Now I want to change the "US" layout slightly ( change the compose/multi-key key ). All tutorials and documentation I found to change the layouts for xkb require root privileges, which I don't have/want to use. Is there a possibility to change the layout with help of a user configuration?

Posts: 62

Location: Long Beach, California

Occupation: Documentation

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Tuesday, March 14th 2006, 3:58am

RE: Change keyboard-layout for a user (kxkb)

I created a file in my ~/.kde/Autostart/ directory called I changed permissions to executable. In it I have:

xmodmap -e "keycode 113 = Mode_switch"
xmodmap -e "keycode 25 = w W U01bf U01f7"

This sets the mode switch key to the right Alt and adds the lower case and upper case Wynn character to the W key. Pressing the right Alt and W will give me the lower case Wynn and pressing the right Alt + Shift will give me the upper case Wynn.