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Thursday, February 10th 2005, 4:52pm

resize desktop icons

I'm sure there is, and I'm just missing it, but is there a way to resize the desktop icons in kde 3.3? Essentially like windows allows for the icons to be big, small, etc?

I'm stuck at a max of 1024x768, and the icons here are just 'huge'...

Thanks in advance,



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Location: Warsaw, Poland

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Thursday, February 10th 2005, 5:00pm

RE: resize desktop icons

In "Control Center" click on "Icons" in the listbox and choose "Advanced" tab --- there you can set icon sizes.

Note that the actual names in double quotes can be slightly different, as I use Polish locale and I had to translate them back to English ;)


Thursday, February 10th 2005, 5:34pm

RE: resize desktop icons

Thanks jacek, that worked perfectly.
