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Wednesday, September 22nd 2004, 3:45pm

Konqueror Queueing

Hey all,
Just had an idea, & wanted it written down in public before anyone else gets a chance to patent it :roll:

How about the ability to queue actions within Konqueror?

When moving lots of different files all around, I get sick of waiting for one to finish before I move on to the next. If I try to do them all at the same time, my computer slows down too much.

Agree/Disagree? Let me know. Thanks.



Posts: 257

Location: Lisbon, Portugal

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Saturday, September 25th 2004, 5:14pm

I guess it's one of those ideas that won't hurt anyone. I've never feel the need for that (a strong need) but if that option existed maybe I would do things in a different way.



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Saturday, September 25th 2004, 10:02pm

The idea would make a good option. Since I am used to the way KDE currently handles file moving, I know nothing different from that so I ok with the current way Konq moves files..

If this option existed, I'm sure I'd make use of it.
-- rm -fr /etc/whitehouse
-- Gentoo | udev | Xorg 6.8.2 | 2.6.14-r4 | KDE 3.5.0


Sunday, September 26th 2004, 8:46pm

This sounds great. We'd have to make sure that this queuing behavior only applied to potentially time-intensive actions, such as copying and moving. Renaming and directory traversal and permissions changing shouldn't be queued I would think. Perhaps also viewing files. I keep trying to think of cases where if you had queued items and wanted to do some action that was dependent on a queued action that hasn't taken place yet, that you woul d have breakage, but I can't think of any such counterexamples.

You know what? A perfect place to put such an option might be in the little menu that pops up when dragging an item to a different location. Just a thought.



Posts: 257

Location: Lisbon, Portugal

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Monday, September 27th 2004, 12:37pm

I was thinking a little and I think that this could be more than just queing some actions. Maybe what KDE could need is a Global Application Scripting Framework like MacOS.

This way one could see an action in KDE as a thing and manipulate it. Create it, destroy, queue, exchange, save it, etc.

Just an idea.