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Wednesday, September 8th 2004, 4:09pm

HTML forms in KMail

I advise a company who performs opt-in email services. In order to comply with anti-spam guidelines, this company provides an unsubscribe link in its text email, and an unsubscribe button in HTML messages.

I just started using KMail, and I concluded that KMail suppresses the unsubscribe button in the HTML documents. (I see the button in the source code.) I couldn't see anything in the configuration that affects this behavior.

I joined this forum only to post this message. As someone who earns part of his living from the commercial email business, I may be an unwelcome Devil's advocate. Nevertheless, if the developers are suppressing something that is legally required in many parts of the United States, I am wondering why.



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Wednesday, September 8th 2004, 8:57pm

I have no issues with unsubscribe links. I have yet to run into an unsubscribe button but perhaps you need to allow HTML in your email messages. You've probably already done this but I thought I'd still suggest it.
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Thursday, September 9th 2004, 2:04am

When you say supresses you mean that it is not shown or that when you click nothing happens?

I've tryed a mail with a button and the button is shown (The button is within a form) but when I click the button nothing happens. But that's my decision. If I check the checkbox "Settings->Configure KMail->Security->General->HTML Messages->Allow messages to load ..." then everything works fine.



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Thursday, September 9th 2004, 5:22am

Perhaps the KHTML part is used in kmail - at least to load an external reference from kmail. If this is the case, make sure that the javascript allows windows to be opened etc.

It could be a konqueror problem rather than a kmail.



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Friday, September 10th 2004, 1:51pm

KMail uses a KHTML Part to render messages but it does not use Konqurerors configuration.
Of course any form of scripting is deactivated when KHTML is used insde KMail, any application other than a browser should do that.

As m4ktub suggested, check that your KMail security settings allow rendering of HTML and that either the button image is included in the mail or KMail's security settings allow external references.
Of course latter option is very inlikely unless users like to have their reading habits tracked by others.

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