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Thursday, April 15th 2004, 9:10am

Stop automatic devices icons creation

Hi all,

I am creating a kiosk OS based on knoppix 3.3 and kde 3.1 and i wan't to keep as less icons as i can on the desktop.
But, when a user inserts a usb memory key in a usb port, kde create an icon for each device it founds. It seems to be an automount process or a process that scan the fstab.

Does any on know how this work ? and how i can disable this feature ?



Thursday, April 15th 2004, 12:44pm

Re: Stop automatic devices icons creation


Original von jul

Hi all,

I am creating a kiosk OS based on knoppix 3.3 and kde 3.1 and i wan't to keep as less icons as i can on the desktop.
But, when a user inserts a usb memory key in a usb port, kde create an icon for each device it founds. It seems to be an automount process or a process that scan the fstab.

Does any on know how this work ? and how i can disable this feature ?


Is everything unchecked under
Desktop -> Behavior -> Device Icons
(in the kde control center)?

Note: I have only KDE 3.2 around so I couldn't check
if this already existed in 3.1.


Thursday, April 15th 2004, 1:32pm

"Display devices on desktop " is unchecked , and it is the same for all devices.
but checking or unchecking all boxes and applying doesn 't seem to do a thing : the desktop doesn't change

i also found a kded demon :"KDED Mount watcher" in "KDE Comonents > Service Manager" but stopping this doesn't stop the automatic creation of the device icon, when inserting a usb key. (in which file can i configure kde services not to start ?)


Thursday, April 15th 2004, 2:17pm


Original von jul

"Display devices on desktop " is unchecked , and it is the same for all devices.
but checking or unchecking all boxes and applying doesn 't seem to do a thing : the desktop doesn't change

i also found a kded demon :"KDED Mount watcher" in "KDE Comonents > Service Manager" but stopping this doesn't stop the automatic creation of the device icon, when inserting a usb key. (in which file can i configure kde services not to start ?)

Sorry, no idea.


Thursday, April 15th 2004, 3:09pm

ok i found it !

it's mountwatcher.desktop who create these icons

it is a service of kde which is configurable with the file in $KDE/share/services/kded/mountwatcher.desktop

it seems to work when i configure this manually : without using kde control center by setting :



Thursday, April 15th 2004, 9:22pm


Original von jul

ok i found it !

it's mountwatcher.desktop who create these icons

it is a service of kde which is configurable with the file in $KDE/share/services/kded/mountwatcher.desktop

it seems to work when i configure this manually : without using kde control center by setting :


Thanks for letting us know.

BTW: Where did you look up this setting X-KDE-Kded-autoload?
Is there a doc for these KDE-specific attributes?
It doesn't seem to be documented in the desktop file spec on


Thursday, April 15th 2004, 10:17pm

I saw the list of services in KDE control center , where i found that mountwatcher was running.
But, because i ve created sample configurations for my kiosk based on files, i searched where to find those for kde services.
the setting was already in the file but set to true.

so i just had to switch :wink: