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Tuesday, March 30th 2004, 6:24pm

Konqueror: Euro Sign Gets Mangled

My software environment is SuSE Linux 9.0 Professional, running KDE 3.1, and Konqueror as the browser.
Whenever I type a euro sign into a message, I see it appear, correctly, as a euro sign. However, as soon as I either "Preview" or "Submit" the message, the euro sign gets mangled, and is replaced by a question mark.
See below:
? <-- This was a euro sign when I typed it.
Now, I'll hit the "Preview" button:
(Hits "Preview"...)
Hey! Where did my euro sign go?!?!? It's changed into a question mark! (Both in the Preview display above, and in the Message Body input area, where I'm typing this.)

The strange thing is, that this does not happen when I'm using Mozilla! In Mozilla, I type a euro sign, I see a euro sign, I Preview and keep seeing a euro sign, I Submit and still see a euro sign... Then I fire up Konqueror again, call up my message, and the euro sign is still there.

I'll Submit the text so far, close Konqueror, start Mozilla, and edit my post in Mozilla.

(Hits "Submit," and closes Konqueror...)

So, here I am in Mozilla now... I'll type a euro sign below:
€ <-- This euro sign was typed in Mozilla.
Now, I'll hit the "Preview" button again:
(Hits "Preview"...)
See? The euro sign is still there!

I'll submit the text again, close Mozilla, reopen Konqueror, and edit my post again in Konqueror.

(Hits "Submit," and closes Mozilla...)

So - I restarted Konqueror, returned to my message, saw the euro sign I typed into Mozilla, edited my message, ... and the euro sign suddenly changed to a square?!?!?
I'll hit "Preview" again:
(Hits "Preview"...)

Gee... in the preview, I see a euro sign, but in the input area, I see a square...

Now, some googling around makes me believe that this must have something to do with some type of character set and/or font configuration issue (see, e.g., here); problem is, I wouldn't know where to start looking for an explanation - let alone a solution...

Anybody out there has any idea where to go next? Anything???



Posts: 1,273

Location: Graz, Austria

Occupation: Software Developer

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Tuesday, March 30th 2004, 7:21pm

Maybe one of the fonts of your fontsetting is not capable of displaying the Euro sign.

Check all fonts in control center that they have either Unicode or ISO8859-15 as encoding.

Qt/KDE Developer
Debian User


Wednesday, March 31st 2004, 5:18pm


Original von anda_skoa

Check all fonts in control center that they have either Unicode or ISO8859-15 as encoding.

How do I find out if a font has such encoding? When I open Control Center (from the KDE menu), then select "Fonts," I see a list of configured font names (e.g., "General" is set to Sans 10, Fixed width is set to courier 10, etc.). Nowhere can I find a mention of anything akin to encoding, though.

Furthermore, Konqueror has its own, separate, font settings (accessible through the "Settings" - "Configure Konqueror..." menu, then the "Fonts" tab. There, all fonts are set to Verdana, with the exception of the "Fixed font," which is set to "Courier New." At the bottom of the window, there's a "Default encoding" setting, which is set to "Use Language Encoding" (I guess this means that Konqueror will display web pages using the encoding that they specify, but I cannot be certain...).
I have already tried to change this setting to iso 8859-15, or to iso 8859-1, or even to utf8 or utf16 - but to no avail.

What more could I try?

Oh - In case that might matter: My system has United Kingdom configured for its country, although I set the currency symbol to the euro sign (since I'm actually in Belgium), and I am using a Belgian keyboard layout. And, if I ask Konqueror to add my language setting to its browser identification string, it reports it as en_GB, en.