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Monday, March 15th 2004, 11:04am

Kfind - freezes

I don´t know if anyone else has this problem. I´m using KDE 321 under Fedora and Kfind keeps freezing on me. Actually it only hapens when i select the option to search sub-folders. When i search for a file and that option is disabled everything is OK, ... still this is not a solution, because one should be able to search from "/" and keep looking down on the file tree.
I had the same problem under KDE 32.
How can i solve this :?:


Wednesday, March 17th 2004, 5:04am

You're not the only one. I entered a bug report on this 3 weeks ago (
but so far it doesn't appear anyone has looked at it, it's still marked unconfirmed.
I suggest you (and anyone else having the same problem) add a comment to the bug report. Maybe if there are additional reports someone will check it out.




Wednesday, March 17th 2004, 3:05pm

not well coded

All over the years/KDE versions the KDE searches worked for me not so good so I used tools from shell/bash - mostly mc (midnight commander) to search for files ... maybe it's not so well coded ...

It's a mark in my head for the KDE 3.2 REPORT - it looks like that a few applications are using too much RAM ...