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Sunday, February 8th 2004, 12:57pm

Konsole error

After installing KDE 3.2 on my Slackware 9.1 system there is an error message after starting Konsole. It says:

Error - Konsole

Font `-misc-console-medium-r-normal--16-160-72-72-c-80-iso10646-1' not found.

Does somebody know what this means? I think is miss a font or something but I don't know how to install it.

gr Dennis


Sunday, February 8th 2004, 4:21pm

Konsol error

Yes its a font and its probably not missing but the pathing is probably not correct for the X server to find the font. Check the XF86Config file for the font paths and make sure that they are correct. (this sounds eazy but its not ) if nothing elese do a search on the whole drive for the iso10646 file and make sure that path showes up somewhere ither by echo $PATH or in the XF86Config file.

:) i hope this helps
There is no greater futility then running windows ME.


Monday, March 8th 2004, 3:14am

This is a bit late, but for others that run across this, it is not a KDE prob in Slackware, but a QT-3.2.3 problem. According to the Slackware current changelog, the workaround is to revert to QT-3.2.2....... :)
How long a minute is depends on which side of the bathroom door you're on.