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Thursday, July 3rd 2003, 12:07am

OLD KDE 3.0.3 question.. not a pressing matter...


This post refers to a DEPRECATED KDE version: 3.0.3. Last night (2003-07-02) or close to then, my MDK 9.0 user account incurred a /home/myusername/.xsession-errors file which is 903.3 MEGABYTES in size.

I imagine this is "fixed" in later versions, assuming anyone experienced, reported, and then received a fix for it. Can anyone sugges what would cause this file to balloon to this size? This file has a "Modified" date of 07/02/03 03:23 pm and an "Accessed:" date of 12/21/02 04:45 pm.

However, the file only grew recently, as I sighted over 1.2 GB avail space. Currently 579.3 GB are free.. I THINK. Well, I think I had 850 MB free, and that was only maybe a month ago.

The top of fhe file, as seen in Konqueror (as user ROOT) is:

Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified

xsetroot: unable to open display ':0'
Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified ...

xmodmap: unable to open display ':0'
WARNING: imwheel is not checking/writing a pid file, BE CAREFUL!
An imwheel may be running already.
TWO or more imwheel processes on the same X display,
or simultaneously using a wheel fifi,


My track pad and mouse work simultaneously, to my pleasure.

BUT... If I scroll the Konqueror view down quickly or hit CTRL + END, or try to jump to the bottom of the file, my system (laptop, Sony VAIO, PCG FX-215) simply locks up. HARD. No console switching works. Caps Lock doesnt work. I didn't try remote access from an adjacent machine, but in my past exper this doesn't gain access in this state.

Yes, I'll get an upgrade to 9.1 when I get more money. For all the times I've snapped when people said they couldn't afford more memory or this or that, not it's happening to me: I can't spend $199---YET. I prefer as my MO to buy the ProSuite or biggest version I can.

Thanks for any input.. ITMT, I think I will delete the file, although performance (speed) seems unaffected..


repeats forevvver...


Tuesday, July 29th 2003, 9:03am

Your xsession.errors file is much larger ten mine (3,8 MB). No wonder your desktop freezes, reading a 1,2 GB text file is probably too much for it :)

Try linking the file to /dev/null.
That way it won't bother you again.

Kind regards, Rinse
Help mee om KDE 3.5.5 in het Nederlands te vertalen



Tuesday, July 29th 2003, 2:16pm


The standard startkde script redirects STDOUT to this file, ~/.xsession-errors, so all error output is redirected there. If you have a very long session, and/or your KDE is built with debugging fully enabled, it will grow and grow..
If Qt is built with debug turned on, that may in rare cases cause infinite writing to STDOUT (probably more because of bugs or logical errors in KDE apps than because of errors in Qt)
* build KDE with --disable-debug
* launch kdebugdialog if present, and disable all groups (unless you want to see them)
* refresh your session more often
* look at the contents of the file, and report to if you find something that looks really strange/bad
* do something like "echo '' > ~/.xsession-errors
