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Sunday, May 9th 2004, 10:56am

I cant install new icons in kde 3.2

I love being able to change the icons and I even downloaded a few different schemes from But they wont install...

I am no linux guru, but this what I did:
Downloaded and unpacked them into /home/zork/.icons/umicons/

Then I go to the icon part of preferences and try "install new theme" Then I browse to the above directory and choose index.desktop (as I think thats the file to choose since its the only non .png file of them all). I click ok and get "The file is not a valid icon theme archive!". I tried this with a few different icon schemes, same problem.

What am I doing wrong? Please help. :(


Sunday, May 9th 2004, 11:43am

You don't need to unpack them to install them, just choose the right file and voila;-)


Sunday, May 9th 2004, 12:00pm

Thanks! These things are not easy to figure out as a linux newbie. :)