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Friday, April 30th 2004, 2:20am

Change kmenu icon

How do i change the icon on the kpanel for the kmenu?

EDIT-Also, how i can i remove text from under my icons on the desktop?



Posts: 257

Location: Lisbon, Portugal

Occupation: Software Engineer

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Friday, April 30th 2004, 11:51am

You can override any system setting in you ~/.kde directory. :-)

If your icon theme is, for example, Crystal SVG then kmenu will be using the icons under /usr/share/icons/crystal-svg/<size>/apps/kmenu.png.
If you reproduce the same structure under ~/.kde/share/icons/crystal-svg/<size>/apps/ directory but with diferent icons then kmenu will use that icons.

About the text in desktop icons. As far as I know you can't do that.


Friday, April 30th 2004, 10:27pm

Too bad about getting rid of the text. that would be a cool effect.

Also, how can i resize a child panel? Right now i have one taking up the whole desktop, but it on has but a few buttons on it.



Posts: 257

Location: Lisbon, Portugal

Occupation: Software Engineer

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Monday, May 3rd 2004, 1:07pm

Each panel as a "Panel Menu" (right click). From that you can choose "Configure Panel".
Note: the right click must be on the panel or an applet "handler" (the thing at the left of each applet with an down arrow)