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Friday, February 27th 2004, 9:15am

Rounded corners on borderless windows


I recently switched to KDE3.2 as a result of finally having a decent computer to put Linux on. Previously my Linux box was old and crappy and consequently I used fluxbox.

One of the things I liked about fluxbox was the ability to tweak almost everything about the style of windows, toolbars etc, particularly the ability to have rounded corners on ALL windows, including borderless/decorationless windows. This came in very handy as I would generally have a couple of transparent/borderless eterms on my desktop by default and, with the rounded corners, they looked sweet.

Is there anything equivalent in KDE? I have looked around and searched these forums but the only equivalent I have seen is the corners on the titlebar. As the titlebar does not appear on my eterms this is not a help.




Tuesday, March 9th 2004, 5:18pm

You can run almost any other modern X window manager instead of KWIN, i havent tried fluxbox with KDE3.2, but it should work like a charm. I personally run FVWM2 instead of KWIN most of the time.
Anybody in here that has run fluxbox in KDE3.2 that could tell us more?

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