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Thursday, November 20th 2003, 10:59pm

KDE 3.2 Error !!!

Hi guys ... i've try to install KDE 3.2 in my system. I have Mandrake 9.1 and
in the mirrors i don't had find any rpm package for my distro.

I've downloaded all sources, and qt-3.2.2 (because this libraries are neccesary
for install KDE 3.2).

I've installed qt-3.2.2 ( in /usr/local/qt), Then i've compiled and installed
arts and kdelibs, but when i try to compile and install kdebase, i've had a error :

checking for Qt ... libraries /usr/local/qt/lib, headers /usr/local/qt/include
using -mt

checking for moc ... /usr/local/qt/bin/moc
checking for uic ... /usr/local/qt/bin/uic
checking whether uic supports -L ... yes
checking whether uic supports -nounload ... yes
checking if Qt needs -ljpeg ... no
checking for KDE... libraries /usr/local/kde/lib, headers /usr/local/kde/include
checking if UIC has KDE plugins available ... no
configure: error: you need to install kdelibs first.

OK this was the error ... i don't know why happen here, better how i could locate the plugins for UIC for fix this error or really what happen here ... i don't know what are the plugins for UIC (uic - user interface compiler).

Please if anyone could help me please tell me that ...

See Ya ...
I'm ThEOnE


Monday, December 1st 2003, 1:04am

With qtconfig, you have to add the path of the KDE style plugins, so that Qt (and therefore UIC) can find them.