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Wednesday, March 26th 2003, 3:32pm

Gnome took over my KDE desktop

How in the world to I get KDE back on my desktop? I have the KDE panel and taskbar at the bottom when I log in as KDE but the desktop is actually GNOME! I can't use the control center in KDE to change the backgroup, etc. Really strange, when KDE is loading I can see my KDE desktop but it swithches to GNOME once I am fully logged in.


Wednesday, March 26th 2003, 6:57pm

killall nautilus

It happened to me once with nautilus (the konqueror of gnome, it's far away from it btw, very poor one). When nautilus starts up it replaces your current kdesktop with the gnome one. And then you exit kde and enter again it's still there because kde remembers the apps that you left ran the previous time and runs them again.
If this is the situation with you (if you have once started nautulus) here is the solution:

1. start one konsole
2. execute 'killall nautilus' command - it will kill all instances of nautilus
3. exectute 'kdesktop' command it will the desktop of kde and it will replace the ugly gnome desktop.
4. next time when you login your kde should be normal
5. never start nautilus again
6. same as 5 :)
7. too, and so on :) :) :)

here is a paste of my konsole:

anton@anton:~> killall nautilus
anton@anton:~> kdesktop
mcop warning: user defined signal handler found for SIG_PIPE, overriding

good luck


Wednesday, March 26th 2003, 10:32pm

Thanks, worked like a charm. javascript:emoticon(':D')