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Wednesday, October 16th 2002, 10:43pm

New liquid stuff

There are some cool new screen shot of the upcoming liquid realse one


Friday, October 18th 2002, 3:28pm

Personnaly I have never been a fan of the Mac OS X look or the liquid theme. I must be one of the rare person who has happy that the new default theme for KDE is Keramic and not liquid. But, many poeple say that the Mac OS X is the nicest looking OS, so it must be pretty in some ways which my mind cannot grasp.


Friday, October 18th 2002, 7:06pm

Well..I think it´s good for everyone to have the possibility to "emulate" the look of an existing OS. This makes it very easy for someone who just switched. On the other hand, I agree that this shouldn´t be the only solution. But since KDE is VERY costumizable, who cares? ;)



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Friday, October 18th 2002, 9:29pm

The only thing I don't like at liquid is that the buttons etc are too much rounded. But it's still one of the best. Together with keramik



Saturday, October 19th 2002, 7:25pm

That looks cool, I can't wait to have it. I always loved Liquid.
Joe Moreno
Got Lindows ?


Tuesday, October 22nd 2002, 12:18am

the textfields/areas

they are more bluecurve-like, to my opinion.. compare, and see! it's verynice though, don't get me wrong! I'm in favor :-)