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Saturday, August 21st 2004, 7:39am

Konqueror, Very nice but super super slow?

I admit I'm a pretty big fan of Firefox but I really love the way Konqueror 3.3 has come together. There is only one's super slow. Pages that render on firefox in 3 seconds can take up to 9-11 with Konqueror and that's holding me back from using it. Are there any tweaks I can perfrom on the browser to speed up render time? I know with firefox there are entire sites dedicated to it. I just can't use this browser with its current render speed :(

I'm also trying to figure out how to use the RSS side bar, if anyone knows how, please let me know!


Wednesday, August 25th 2004, 12:21am

I am experiencing the same slowness issue. I am running SuSE 9.1, but ever since KDE 3.2 even on SuSE 8.2, it has defintely slowed down. I have applied the IPV6 fix from the SuSE site and it did help, but it's no comparison to the speed of Mozilla. I had always used Konqueror in the past and love the usability features, but now I have resorted to Mozilla 1.7 just because of the speed issue, it really has become painful. If anyone has advice, it would be most appreicated. I'm not sure on the RSS issue either yet, but I haven't spent a lot of time on it yet. Thanks in advance.


Friday, August 27th 2004, 6:43pm

There are a number of things you can do to speed things up. I would say that on my system konqueror 3.3 is the fastest I've used. Using a 2.6 kernel probably doesn't speed things up per-se, but kde sure feels more responsive (with CONFIG_PREEMPT set). When you compile kde look into how you set your CFLAGS. You can do quite a bit by setting the right optimization flags. Then of course, you can reduce start-up times by prelink your binaries.

Other things you may want to do is remove uneccessary effects like menu shadows and similar crap. Make sure you don't have anything running in the background that you don't really absolutely need.

Finally, if konqueror gets really slow on particular sites, try changing the browser identification setting. Haven't really experienced this myself, but it has been reported that it can speed things up on some dhtml heavy sites. Then again, there will still be some sites that render much slower than on firefox. There may be some sites that actually render faster in konqueror than in ff. Such is life. Personally I wish JavaScript support in konqueror would improve to the point that I can use the Mambo backend (including HTMLArea*). It will one day.


Thursday, December 2nd 2004, 7:24pm

mines slow too... i have SuSE 9.1, KDE 3.2.x and whatever version of Konqueror comes with SuSE 9.1, i also have kernel 2.6.4... but i didnt compile my KDE it was on my SuSE install cd (I Installed 9.1 personal, just downloaded the tools i need from Yast that werent on the CD)


Friday, December 3rd 2004, 7:47pm

okay... I just updated to KDE 3.3.1 and Konqueror 3.3.1 and konqueror is now loading at 500bytes per second instead of 200bytes per second (still thats REALLY slow!!!!!) but its still a speed increase...