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  • "bernieb" started this thread

Posts: 3

Location: NYC

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Sunday, November 14th 2004, 5:21pm

Konqueror freezes on majority of web sites

Konqueror keeps freeezing consistantly on a majority of web sites I view. I had initially thought that it was a flash issue, and updated to the latest falsh plugin, however, that does not seem to correct this.
When I start konqueror on the console for one of these sites, I get this:


konqueror: ERROR: Error in BrowserExtension::actionSlotMap(), unknown action : searchProvider
konqueror: ERROR: Error in BrowserExtension::actionSlotMap(), unknown action : searchProvider

I am running gentoo and kde 3.3.1. This problem seemed to come rather abruptly, it had been working quite fine beforehand.

Unfortunately, the browser does not crash, so not crash handler with a trace comes up. Is there anything else I can do to get more debuging info?

Thanks in advance.


Sunday, November 14th 2004, 9:25pm

Re: Konqueror freezes on majority of web sites


Original von bernieb

Unfortunately, the browser does not crash, so not crash handler with a trace comes up. Is there anything else I can do to get more debuging info?
If you have emerged gdb you can receive a backtrace with the following steps: first, you determe the pid of the konqueror process. This can be done with pidof konqueror or top (if and only if konqueror uses all CPU).

After that, start gdb on the following manner (assuming that the pid is ${pid}):
[code:1]$ gdb
(gdb) attach ${pid}[/code:1]Konqueror is now interupted. You can get a backtrace with[code:1](gdb) bt[/code:1]

If you want another backtrace (if a program freezes, it can loop through several functions, and thus have several backtraces), continu it with[code:1](gdb) cont[/code:1], and interupt it with Ctrl+C. A (new) backtrace is now available with bt

Problem with Gentoo in this kind of cases (I use it myself), is that the code is optimized by gcc. That means that the backtrace could be not usefull. This kind of errors can be caused by too high optimalisations.