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Wednesday, July 21st 2004, 10:34pm

[KOPETE] Newbie - How to launch it ?

Hiya =)
Sorry to ask you but I didn't find anything about it (maybe I have a bug and I don't know), but I have a Debian distribution (Knoppix v3.4) and I tried to install the last version of Kopete (v0.8.4). So I did a ./config, after a make and a make install (sometimes a make clear too) but after I don't know how to launch the app ! The link don't work (like all app I have installed o_O) and I don't know where is the executable (sorry I freshly come from Windoze =).

Sorry for taking your time and if my problem already as been solved can you give me some link ? Thank's in advance =)


Thursday, July 22nd 2004, 2:45am

Open a console and type "kopete" without the quotes. If it make'd and install'd correctly, that should run it.


Thursday, July 22nd 2004, 8:52pm

uh... I did this too but nothing, and I did the install with root account and I didn't have a bug (but perhaps I missed an error somewhere o_O).
I try again, perhaps I'll see something I've missed :(


So I tried again and the result is that when I do "make" it finish with "Nothing to do for << all-am >>" and then if I do a "make install" it does nothing but "Nothing to do for << xxxx >>" all the time. I think it's because my Linux distribution, so I'm searching with my new clues in mind ;)
Thank's for all and if someone know how to solve my problem it'll be great to tell me =)


OK so I did a quick search on this forum and I found this:

It seems that I'm not the only one that can't install this app and this wasn't fixed. I'm beginning to loose hope :'(



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Friday, July 23rd 2004, 4:42am

when you type 'kopete' in the terminal, do receive a "command not found" message, or is there a kopete error?

type 'updatedb' as root, and then 'locate kopete', to see where it has been installed. its possible that it is not in your path.


Monday, July 26th 2004, 2:15pm

No I receive a "command not found" and when I do a search (with database updated) there's nothing but my downloaded package.

But I found a solution with apt-get, I updated my configuration and it installed kopete automatically ! So I needed a .deb version in fact. Thank's you all for your help, and I hope this program will be included in the next version of KDE, it's so useful ;)