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Saturday, April 3rd 2004, 2:40am

Kopete 0.8 dont launch

hi guys, i have a question

ive installed new Kopete (0.8.0) on my RH9, KDE 3.1.13, but cant launch it..i did configure it with prefix=my KDE dir and all goes smoothly, but it do nothing when i type kopete in console or clicking exec, just swopping HDD for a sec..i also added following lines in /etc/kderc:
prefixes=/usr (my KDE dir)

and typed kbuildsycoca, but it does not affect anything..before, when i installed Kopete without prefix, i could launch it with blank config screen and no icons..well, it wasnt better than i have now, but at least its looked alive, just hardly damaged lol

can u tell me please what can cause my problem?

thanks, Lle



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Saturday, April 3rd 2004, 4:57am

what is the terminal output when you run kopete from the command line?


Saturday, April 3rd 2004, 5:06am

most funny that there's no outputs when im trying to launch..not a one, so i have no idea whats going on with Kopete


Monday, April 5th 2004, 1:43am

Having the same problem...

Same thing - I get a blank page when kopete launches, and i've tried the fixes listed. The terminal output when I try to launch kopete is:

QFile::open: No file name specified

And ideas? I'm running Fedora 1 core


Monday, April 5th 2004, 10:10pm

Lleithian, check your taskbar in the button-right close the clock, an icon of kopete appears, you only have to click and it maximizes. This is the same "problem" i had :D Bye!