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Wednesday, March 3rd 2004, 6:15pm

Kopete 0.8 release incomplete?

I've just downloaded Kopete 0.8.0 and compiled it without any obvious problems with KDE 3.1.3 and QT 3.1.2.
It starts up and allmost everything looks OK at first glance except some minor icons missing.
But as soon as I try to communicate with somebody Kopete crashes immediately. The same holds for incoming messages upon which of them Kopete crashes also. As far as I've seen it does not depend on the particular plugin.

Furthermore, after that I've removed every single component of all Kopete versions from my kde tree, reconfigured, compiled and installed Kopete 0.8.0. Now it starts up with allmost all of the icons missing. On the other hand it looks like all the icons are located somewere in the kopete-0.8.0 install directory but for some reason they do not get installed by 'make install'.
And even now Kopete keeps crashing upon any kind of communication....

Any suggestions, somebody?

Additional remark:
I checked in detail that the icons got installed in $KDEDIR/share/apps/kopete/icons/crystalsvg/
but nevertheless Kopete seems not to find them....


Wednesday, March 3rd 2004, 11:10pm

This sounds similar to what is happening to me.
Except I cannot even see the icons at the bottom to connect, so I cant connect anything. My config screen is also entirely blank.

This is my post here:


Thursday, March 4th 2004, 5:02am

Synbios: Check your thread, I left an answer which should clear up your troubles.

Now, as for Grisha's problem. I havent seen something like this. You say that everything did install into the proper prefix, so that shouldnt be the problem. You can try running 'kbuildsycoca' to update the library and plugin database, but I dont think this will solve this particular problem. Did you check that all resolutions of the icons were installed in the $KDEDIR/share/apps/kopete/icons/crystalsvg/ directory?


Thursday, March 4th 2004, 1:38pm


Original von djtrippin

Did you check that all resolutions of the icons were installed in the $KDEDIR/share/apps/kopete/icons/crystalsvg/ directory?

What do you mean by "all resolutions"? I've checked that all the reasonable icons, e.g. for the protocols and their different away-versions and so on are there in different size folders. I have not straced kopete to check for which particular icon files it is looking.

Is it possible that this is a problem of my automake/conf version? I had troubles caused by this before.
As an additional information: I am still using a gcc-2.95 system. Is Kopete-0.8.0 checked with this? Maybe the crashes are related to this....


Friday, March 5th 2004, 4:42am

If you're still using gcc-2.95, your problem may lie in that. Im not sure if kopete is incompatible with 2.95, but with the growing list of incompatible programs it is likely. I would upgrade gcc then recompile kopete.