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Friday, May 21st 2004, 2:08pm

kformula and fonts

I would like some help from anyone who has gotten kformula
to work. I can't get any symbols to show up. When I try to set -
Symbbol font style, I get
The font 'symbol' is missing. Do you want to change the font style anyway?
When I set it to Essitix font style, it responds with
The fonts 'esstixeight', 'esstixeleven', 'esstixfifteen', 'esstixfive', 'esstixfour', 'esstixfourteen', 'esstixnine', 'esstixone', 'esstixseven', 'esstixseventeen', 'esstixsix', 'esstixsixteen', 'esstixten', 'esstixthirteen', 'esstixthree', 'esstixtwelve', 'esstixtwo' are missing. Do you want to change the font style anyway?

When I try Computer modern (TeX) style it gives me
The fonts 'cmbx10', 'cmex10', 'cmmi10', 'cmr10', 'cmsy10', 'msam10', 'msbm10' are missing. Do you want to change the font style anyway?

I have installed esstix style fonts using the KDE font instaler, but still to
no avail. When I look in the KDE font installer, it looks to me that all the
fonts that it is complaining about are there.

Any ideas would be appreciated.[/list][/list][/list]


Friday, October 8th 2004, 5:03am

Okay here's how you do it....

I know how to fix the problem, but I don't know how to get rid of that damn error message.

First you have to go out and download the esstix font set from (, the file will be, unzip this file to a folder called something like $HOME/esstix/

Next you have to open the Control Center, when I say control center I mean control center.

When you have control center open, on the side bar tree on the left select System Administration, and then bellow it select Font Installer. To your right you should see the font installer screen appear.

At the bottom there will be a button that reads "Administrator Mode" click it and then a dialog will ask you for the root password.

At the top where it's inset it should say fonts:/

Next click the new folder button and create a folder called "esstix"
Enter this newly created folder by clicking it, the inset at the top should now read fonts:/essitx/

Click the button whose tooltip shows "Add Fonts" and a dialog will appear that will want you to select some fonts. Move to the directory $HOME/essitx/ and select all of the files and folders in there and then press okay.

Now when you select the KFomula esstix font type it will display those fonts, however the error message remains. If somebody could tell me what that is all about I'd be greatful to know.


Monday, October 25th 2004, 12:58pm

yeah... thank you... i fix it

it's a good solution :). Now i have another problem. If you press F4, by default, you will use "symbol" font style to write your own equation. I want to use esstix font style by default, do you know how to adjust it ?