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Tuesday, February 10th 2004, 8:15pm

Kontakt (kmail) patch


I would like to know what is the procedure to install the patch for kmail 1.6 in KDE 3.2.

I transfered mails from mozilla and now I have problems with:
Some mails are multipling and while I try to delete them, mails are gone.



Tuesday, February 10th 2004, 8:52pm

depends on how you installed it ... did you install kde with konstruct, or did you install the sources by hand or did you install a package (rpm,deb)?

[1] for konstruct:
go into the directory that lies one level above kmail (konstruct/kde/kdepim/work), type

make buildclean
patch -p0 < file.patch
make install

[2] for sources:
go into the directory that lies one level above kmail, type

make clean
patch -p0 < file.patch
make && make install