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Monday, July 21st 2003, 3:20pm

konqueroor, howto paste to a second instance ?


Problem with konqueror, KDE 3.1.2, SuSE 8.0:
assume you copied a file in konqueror, opened a second instance of
konqueror and tried to paste the file to another directory. The
menu-entry "paste" will be disabled. Why ??

Any explanations will be wellcome,




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Monday, July 21st 2003, 11:32pm

maybe you have to copy it again?

perhaps you have to copy it again as there is no content in the clipboard!

other than that. !STUMPED!


Wednesday, July 23rd 2003, 2:45am

If the first instance of konqueror is still running, you should be able to paste the file.
But when you close that instance before pasting it, pasting is no longer available.

(btw, on my kde, you can still use paste, but Konqueror tries to past the clip board contents (text in klipper) into a new file, in stead of the earlier copied file....)

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