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Wednesday, September 15th 2004, 11:30am

Mencoder Frontend

Am now working on an mencoder frontend, which so far is going really well, the program is supposed to be the ultimate video editing tool - it can cut and merge avi's, while showing preview, cutting at exactly the right frames, etc. etc.

it is ofcourse GPL

right now i need beta testers, the program still isnt close to done, got a ton of gui stuff to do, but the main core is finally done (took me forever to get 2 avi's to merge cleanly in linux... interested in how? ask me and i'll send you the program :). the gui is in qt and kdelibs.

this program is best for tv cappers, those who want to remove commercials and etc. from their raw avi caps, and directly encode to high quality xvid and etc.

all those interested, please email

requirements are mencoder, mplayer, obviously qt and kdelibs, and sox and netpbm.



Posts: 1,273

Location: Graz, Austria

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Wednesday, September 15th 2004, 1:20pm

Unless you haven't done that yet, you should consider posting on and at least add some screenshots.

Qt/KDE Developer
Debian User


Wednesday, September 15th 2004, 4:10pm

No, i havent done that yet, i plan on doing that once i finish the program

should i post it already?... the prog is not done, alot of empty buttons and etc.
its not even a beta yet, its just incomplete.

thanks btw



Posts: 257

Location: Lisbon, Portugal

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Wednesday, September 15th 2004, 4:34pm

I'm not sure what the kde-apps policy is but IMO you should only
publish your app when it's already usable, that is, you already fill confortable with it. This way people checking the app would get a better impression concernic the future of the application and even KDE.

Anyway I think it would be nice if you anounced the application but didn't submited a archive with the code so that people could comment and know that it exists.

Just my thoughts :-)


Wednesday, September 15th 2004, 5:13pm

hmm, just tried that idea, it appears kde-apps doesnt allow adding projects without some kind of file.

one thing i'd like to add - i know absoloutely _NOTHING_ about distributing packages, i dont know how to use automake, auto conf, the configure script, cross platform stuff, CVS, etc. etc., all i know is raw C++ programming, and using kdevelop to just compile the prog. i dont even really know how to make a proper binary package to distribute. I'm a complete newbie in developing in GNU/linux.

if anyone could point me to some kind of tutorial or refernce or something of the sort for information about all this stuff, it would be really nice.

i'm pretty sure my program will be complete (but improveable) by about saturday.



Posts: 257

Location: Lisbon, Portugal

Occupation: Software Engineer

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Wednesday, September 15th 2004, 5:49pm

KDevelop already creates lots of build scripts so it should be ready to go as source distribution. KDevelop also as menu entries to make distributions: source, rpm, etc.

The problem with binary distribution (RPM) is that you have to compile the program and package it individualy to each distribution because of different library dependencies or because of a different default directory structure. That's why many choose to publish source tgz and accept RPM contributions from thos sources.


Wednesday, September 15th 2004, 10:05pm

actually, i am more interested in the .deb files, being a debian user myself :)

anyway, that can wait, still need bta testers.. i'll just finish the gui stuff here and make a source package asap and put it on kde-apps... in my humble opinion this really is one of the BEST progs i've seen yet, cause there really isnt ANY decent mencoder frontend...