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Wednesday, November 19th 2003, 11:11pm

Konqueror misses jpg thumbnails

I'm using KDE 3.1 (Debian Woody; 2.4.19). The Konquerer file manager is creating thumbnails for some jpegs and not for others in the same folder with the same permissions (but the viewer works fine on all of the jpegs). Moving the files around does not help. How do I fix this? TIA.


Monday, December 1st 2003, 12:50am

Are you hitting the 1MB limit? Was this limit decreased? Do the JPEG really conform to the specification?

That is a few ideas that I have about the subjetc. May be it is something else however.


Tuesday, February 3rd 2004, 7:07pm


Original von Nicolas Goutte

Are you hitting the 1MB limit? Was this limit decreased?

Yes and yes (slaps self on forehead). Thanks!