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Saturday, September 4th 2004, 11:03am


Hi there!

I hope this is the right section... if not -> sorry :-)

I installed Slack 10.0 and KDE 3.2.3 was english only... since that is not my native language I installed the actual german language-package. Now I have KDE totally in german, wow... great!

I reallized, thta I have to switch kdm into german seperatly ... after thinking twice it was absolutly logical .. .so I looked into kdm's preferences and I selected german as it's language. Logged off... and cool ... everything in german...

Everything? No, not really ... the labels, buttons... are german, but the textfields for username and password are still in english! And since my pwd has a "Z" ... I have to press the "Y" on my german keyboard all the time ...

I have not found a way to get rid of this... does someone else have an idea?

Thanks and greetings, Sascha



Posts: 257

Location: Lisbon, Portugal

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Saturday, September 4th 2004, 4:20pm

Maybe you are confusing localization with keyboard layout.

If you have a gernan keyboard you should select the german layout in the Control Center under Regional & Accessibility.

If that does not work maybe you should edit you X sever configuration in /etc/X11/XF86Config (or similar). Search for "XkbLayout" and read the documentarion that normally is present. But I think that changing to "de" would be enough (interesting, in my case I would just uncomment the line)