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Friday, June 4th 2004, 10:37am

Where does KDE log to when it can't launch?

Hi, can you help me?

I recently installed ZipSlack (a flavour of Slackware) on my machine. ZipSlack's a very cropped-back version of linux. It dosn't even ship with X or GCC.

I installed Fluxbox to check my X-server was set up right. Then once I was happy I spent the next two days pulling KDE down over 56k dial-up.

(I'm getting to the point now)

The only dependency problem I got was with the 2D-artwork library. Once I installed that, KDE made a pretty valiant effort at launching. It takes me to a blank X screen with a mouse-pointer. (not the X-pointer)

My problem is that KDE can't start however. IF I go CTRL+ALT+F1 then I can watch it's modules crash and burn one after the other. Each one states that there's a 'communication error' somewhere.

When I switch screen to watch the terminal complaints, I'm missing the first 'page' or so of it. I think there's probably a clue there as to how I can fix this.

So, does the above sound familiar to you? If so I could _realy_ use the advice.

Or, is the screen output from the crash logged anywhere so I can read it? Or can I cause it to be logged?
~ Archie.



Posts: 81

Location: Helsinki, Finland

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Friday, June 4th 2004, 10:57am


have you looked at /var/log/XFree86.*.log, another file that might contain useful information is xsession-errors file in your home directory.
Siili teki maalin.


Friday, June 4th 2004, 11:15am

Thank you 138. I'll reboot and have a look :)

Wish me luck!
~ Archie.



Posts: 81

Location: Helsinki, Finland

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Friday, June 4th 2004, 11:32am


Wish me luck!


And one minor addition, that xsession-errors file is a dot file.
Siili teki maalin.