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Wednesday, November 26th 2008, 3:32am

KDE 4 and KDE 4.1 in Kubuntu

While running Hardy (8.04) I installed the RC for KDE 4. When I upgraded to 8.10 I found I had a problem when I tried to <LEAVE> <LOGOUT>. The GUI would go to a text display and the following lines are always the last.

Source code

Not Starting K Display Manager (kdm-kde4); it is not the default display manager

Starting TiMidity ALSA midi emmulator.....[OK]

I seem to have parts of both on installed. How do I get my system back to normal without a complete system reinstall?


Sunday, November 30th 2008, 11:05am

Try reconfiguring KDM:
"sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm"

See if that fixes it.


Wednesday, December 3rd 2008, 1:33am

I have tried that already. Thanks for the suggestion.

Is there a way to determine which version of KDE I am running in the current session?


Wednesday, December 3rd 2008, 10:40pm

I don't know about a nifty command line callout, but if you open "konqueror" and go to "help" you can click "About KDE" that should give you the KDE version.



Posts: 21

Location: Ipswich, England

Occupation: Semi-retired software engineer

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Thursday, December 4th 2008, 11:17am

RE: KDE 4 and KDE 4.1 in Kubuntu

While running Hardy (8.04) I installed the RC for KDE 4. When I upgraded to 8.10 I found I had a problem when I tried to <LEAVE> <LOGOUT>. The GUI would go to a text display and the following lines are always the last.

Source code

Not Starting K Display Manager (kdm-kde4); it is not the default display manager

Starting TiMidity ALSA midi emmulator.....[OK]

I seem to have parts of both on installed. How do I get my system back to normal without a complete system reinstall?
Funnily enough, I had the opposite problem when I installed KDE4 alongside KDE3 on older Kubuntu releases - even though I didn't want it to, it started defaulting to kdm-kde4. The answer is to edit /etc/X11/default-display-manager and replace it with the path to the kdm-kde4 binary.