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  • "liz" started this thread

Posts: 2

Location: Malaysia

Occupation: software engineer

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Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 3:23am

cannot start kdeinit. Please check the installation

hi all;

i had installing embedded qt 2.3.7 and qtopia1.7. and change the environment at /etc/profile. when i restart my PC some error message prompt in my desktop. It says "cannot start kdeinit. Please check the installation".

how to check the installation? what should i do? what happen actually?please help me to solve this problem :(



Posts: 14

Location: Sweden

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Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 6:49am

RE: cannot start kdeinit. Please check the installation


Originally posted by liz
hi all;

i had installing embedded qt 2.3.7 and qtopia1.7. and change the environment at /etc/profile. when i restart my PC some error message prompt in my desktop. It says "cannot start kdeinit. Please check the installation".

how to check the installation? what should i do? what happen actually?please help me to solve this problem :(

What did you changed in /etc/profile? $PATH must contain the path to kdeinit.