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Saturday, July 19th 2008, 2:15pm

How can I edit the kicker menu in KDE4.1rc1?

I'm running KDE4.1rc1 under ArchLinux.

While there seems to be no built-in menu editing function for the "new
generation" KDE4 app launcher, I've managed to be able to make some
change using kmenuedit from the command line.

However, anytime I add a new app to a particular menu section
("Office", for example, or "Sound & 'Video"), the app is moved to
the catch-all section "Other".

Is there no way to make the changes that I want to make in the app launcher menu? Thanks.


Thursday, July 24th 2008, 10:30pm

Sorry, i cannot confirm that, kmenuedit can be with a right-click on the menu-item and all changes are done immediately. Maybe there is something wrong with your installation. Or you should wait for the final 4.1 release in a couple of days.

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