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Wednesday, June 11th 2008, 4:52am

Having Trouble making KDE 4 my official Boot

ive been running linux for like 2 days so i am confused i have searched both the forums and internet, i installed the files i need i just am not sure what i should do to get it to boot automatically or even boot for that matter i dont know how to switch it.



Posts: 52

Location: Den Haag, NL

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Wednesday, June 18th 2008, 6:48pm

boot what?

Hi Jlobel,

Could you be a bit more specific? Are you having trouble getting Linux to boot, or are you having trouble logging into KDE4?

The operating system (Linux/*BSD/etc.) and the graphical user interface (I should say 'desktop environment'...; KDE/Gnome/etc.) are 2 different things on unices.

(Actually, they are also 2 different things on Windows, because Windows should not be called an operating system, but that's an entirely different discussion...)

Also, when you reply, tell us which distro you installed.
