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Monday, June 2nd 2008, 8:26pm

media converter

i'm a pretty new KDE user - a convert from Windows you might say, and have an EeePC, which so-far i love. i put KDE onto the EeePC because i am a fan of the desktop enviornment but i do admit that i know very little about it or how it works (like even how to install new programs and the like) if anyone could point me in the right direction, or even some links or something on how to get started and find out the capabilities of KDE i would greatly appreciate it. thanks! i am also trying to find a KDE converter that will take my old windows media files and convert them into something i can put onto my PSP or my iPod - i'm afraid my desire for kick ass technology and stuff kinda outruns my knowledge of it.


Wednesday, June 4th 2008, 3:22am

well you might want to find software from websites like

also a lot of programs come with a installation guide
if you don't get the guide then i guess to might want to read a tutorial which to can find probably on this forum or other websites

here is a tip*
if it comes as a rpm then you can simply install with a program called kpackage which comes with KDE
if it is open source then uncompress and use shell and go into the directory
and type


make install

this will install a program for you