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Tuesday, February 12th 2008, 9:51pm

New Install - Unable to log on

Hey guys,

Just yesterday made the switch from Vista to Ubuntu, and at a friends advice decided to install KDE. Install went smooth enough, but now I'm stuck on the login screen. I put in my username and password, screen goes black for a second and then it drops me back at the login screen again.

Doesn't appear to be a password issue, as a I can put in a dummy username/passwd and it shows the "invalid login" message, something it doesnt do when putting in the correct ones.

Any help out there?


Tuesday, February 19th 2008, 9:44pm

RE: New Install - Unable to log on

i had this issue, strangely enough it appeared after i installed some packages related to iPod management. try ctrl+alt+F1 (switch into console), login, do apt-cache search for ipod stuff (just type "apt-cache search ipod") and then "sudo apt-get remove ..." with every package you will find in the list (e. g. "sudo apt-get remove ipod ipodlib libgtkpod..."). hope this helps.
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