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Wednesday, September 5th 2007, 2:34pm

kde lauch slow-slow-slowdown...

hi everybody!

i'm an enthusiastic kde user...
the only trouble i find is that after i use kde for some hours, it take MINUTES to alunch applications like konqueror (file browser modality) and amarok...
what can it be?!
any suggestion is welcome...


Thursday, September 6th 2007, 12:00am

RE: kde lauch slow-slow-slowdown...

Have you tried to you run top in a shell to see if there is some process slowing down the machine?


Thursday, September 6th 2007, 9:15am

no, i admit i didn't search top for such a process... i'll do... but the matter is that the machine is not slowed down... just the launch of a few applications is very, very slow... konqueror (but only in the file browsing modality), amarok, quanta, and maybe some more... but most of the applications can be launched normally and run properly...



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Thursday, September 13th 2007, 11:42pm


Originally posted by rickshaw_man
no, i admit i didn't search top for such a process... i'll do... but the matter is that the machine is not slowed down... just the launch of a few applications is very, very slow... konqueror (but only in the file browsing modality), amarok, quanta, and maybe some more... but most of the applications can be launched normally and run properly...

try to start one of these apps in the terminal and watch the output... maybe there _is_ really something strange on your computer.
Think before you think.